Tuesday 21 April 2009

Disney - Cut And Paste

by Vinichou
This is quality. I'm amazed they haven't been caught out before now, as it seams that a lot of Disney films have done a bit of cut-and-pasting from previous winning films. Via CR blog.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

iPhones Are For Wankers

Following my recent dive onto the pants of Steve Jobs and the purchase of an iPhone that followed, I've been trying my hardest to stay human and not find a reason to pull my new toy out at every opportunity screaming 'have you seen this new app'. I think I'm doing quite well, I've still got a fully functioning brain and two average sized thumbs. Freshapps has today highlighted the iPhone's main use and target audience, the lonely-male mobile-masterbator. Picture Safe is the new app for locking away smut and filth on your iPhone.. just read the seedy description.. bunch of wankers!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

For The Love Of Wispa

Making of "For the Love of Wispa" on Vimeo.
Well isn't this a heartwarmer to start the new year?
Facebook changed the world apparently? Cheers.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Mice, Birds And Two Mirrors

Following my last post about symmetry and mirrors and patterns and kaleidoscopes.. well I couldn't have found a better post to follow it with! Found this on the today and tomorrow blog.

Mirrored Videos

volumen2VJivanrobles from ivanrobles on Vimeo.
I like patterns, and I like symmetry, so it's no surprise that I like it when videos of shapes are reflected into a kinda kaleidoscope video. Great. The first minute is the best, but then the music drops and the rest fits the music really well. Fave bit other than the start minute is the clouds.

Merry Christmas Ya'll

So right now I'm in work and the Christmas Carols have been cranked up, I watched Elf on the weekend and had my yearly winter trip to the seaside where I ate like Henry the Eighth.. basically I'm feeling pretty Christmassy right now! And to top it all WHAM just came on the work jukebox! I've just seen this youtube vid on the today and tomorrow blog. Very nice!

Merry Christmas Ya'll, x

Friday 12 December 2008

Google - 2008 USA Presidential Primary Results

This is another gem found through the non-translated dream that is the raketenblog. I know it's maybe a little bit late but this is a Google Maps overlay that displays the results of the US Presidential Results. Check it out ja.