Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Patterns Of Light, Casinos And Train Passengers

Anybody who knows me knows that I've got a strange addiction to patterns. Watching this today got me excited to make more videos, and the simplicity of this video made it all the more beautiful. It's a music video for Maledict Car by the Japanese band Jemapur and was directed by Kosai Sekine to form part of the Tokyo.Ten - a showcase DVD and book which looks worth picking up.

In photography I enjoy the task of highlighting things that your average person does not spot. Whether it's the beautiful repetition of balconies on a rundown block of flats who's shades of colour change in the sunlight as you progress away from the light source. Or the underside of a bridge with water reflecting on a perfect mono-grey shade of concrete with the exact perfection of the columns at equal distance from each other.

So there you have it, that's what floats my photography boat! Once I get my new portfolio website together I'll be putting some of my photography up and will link to it from here. Until then check my flickr.

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