Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Urban Play 2008 Sagmeister Inc.

Look at this, look at this. It's amazing! Sagmeister is so frigging cool. He got 100 people to sort out 250,000 Eurocents into 4 different shades of coin, then made a frigging huge mural. Check the video and the account of what happened over the 8 days here. As I always say, I love it when things are made the hard way, they are so much more rewarding! People might read this and think, "well why are you in web design?" To which I would say, look at this. A hell of a lot of effort has gone into making the elasticmind site. And I personally think it's an amazingly rewarding experience that I'd go back again and again to. Kinda like when tokyoplastic fitst came out.. I remember all of uni were loving it.

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